Apr 11, 2008

New 9/11 Investigations Looming?

"First they ignore you, then they ridicule you, then they fight you, then you win."
--- Mahatma Gandhi

The calls for a new investigation into the September 11th terror attacks has recently reached a fever pitch. Japanese MP Fujita Yukihisa was fresh on the heels of his stunning 9/11 truth presentation in Japanese Parliament when he recently announced that the UN could lead a new 9/11 investigation. Yukihisa stated that this was one possible scenario that also included an investigation conducted by "global parliamentarians he has been in contact with". Then just today it was reported that Richard Falk who is UN human rights official and professor of international law emeritus at Princeton University called for an investigation into US government complicity in 9/11.

These recent developments are but the latest in a continuing string of credible individuals calling for a fresh investigation into the 9/11 attacks. These include the 300+ architectural and engineering professionals who have signed a petition created by Architects & Engineers for 9/11 Truth demanding congress form a truly independent investigation. These new voices in the fight for 9/11 truth and justice only echo and enhance the arguments of many victims family members and a growing number of the American public who seek to re-open 9/11. Many family members have only hardened their stance over time, and scientific polls have consistently shown that many Americans support new investigations. The question is will they happen, and if so, will they be effective?

For historical precedent we could look to the second investigation into the JFK assassination known as the United States House Select Committee on Assassinations. The committee concluded that "President John F. Kennedy was assassinated by Lee Harvey Oswald, probably as a result of a conspiracy". So perhaps there is hope!?!?

In a January 31, 2008 interview I asked Truth Awaits contributing writer Colin Donoghue if he actually thought we would get a new investigation, to which he replied...

"I believe it can happen. If activists are thinking in the back of their minds that it's "impossible" for a new independent 9/11 investigation, that belief is actually the obstacle to it manifesting. We have been conditioned through various means to believe we are powerless bystanders, and on top of that trained to maintain the disempowered thinking ourselves. They give us the program, so to speak, and then we run it on our own. We need to uninstall the disempowerment program and create a new operating system, one that has no built-in limitations for what we can create, in our personal lives or socio-political world.

Why should they get away with the terrible crime of 9/11/01, and everything they've done since then (Iraq, Afghanistan, Torture, Illegal Detentions, Domestic Spying, Patriot Act, etc.) using their own act of mass-murder as "justification"? Why must it be that this absurd propaganda be accepted as fact, and taught to our children as history? There is no reason why we should allow it, and there is no reason why our efforts should be thought of as pointless. I think the main reason we haven't had a re-opening of the investigation yet is simply due to the large number of Americans who know the official story is lie, but have done absolutely nothing about it, believing that they are powerless. If everyone who knows it's a lie contacted there representatives/senators, media, community, etc. it would force the debate into the mainstream, it would expose the massive evidence and therefore lead to the re-opening of the investigation. Yesterday I read a great short essay on 911blogger.com titled "Why We'll Win", here are some fitting excerpts:

"People world-wide are waking up to the facts of manipulation of intelligence, false flag operations and rigged elections. This is a huge development."

"When the truth is known, the idea generated by that truth -- of the need for true liberty protected from the manipulation of false flag attacks, [rigged elections] and fake intelligence -- and the action generated from that idea can sweep away the tools of repression and usher in a golden age of liberty and justice better than anything before."

The first step is within our own minds; we must believe, we must know, that we have the power to bring positive change in the world. Without that, we've sealed our own fate."

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